Hello Tom,
Patrick is right, for TELEMAC-2D, your first open boundary is the maritime boundary. Please read subsections 3.2.3 and 4.2.3 of the TELEMAC-2D user manual for the boundary conditions file:
it describes the contour of the domain trigonometrically, starting from the bottom left-hand corner (X + Y minimum)
This file specifies a numbering of the boundaries. This numbering is very important because it is used when prescribing values.
In the boundary conditions file you provide + the figure you sent, you can see that the 1st open boundary is the sea, not the river.
As suggested in another recent topic, you can run a script which plots the mesh + liquid boundaries and their number for TELEMAC-2D which may help you:
plot.py mesh2d name_geometry_file.slf -b name_BC_file.cli --liq-bnd
Which mesh generator do you use? Blue Kenue? I do not how it works and cannot use it, but for sure, what is important is what is generated as input for TELEMAC-2D: the geometry and boundary conditions file.
To answer your question about the 2 keywords and what you really want to do, you will find the answers in the TELEMAC-2D user manual:
- in $HOMETEL/documentation/telemac2d/validation and $HOMETEL/documentation/telemac2d/user with the 2 pdf files (if you use a tagged version, otherwise compile the documentations),
- or on wiki.opentelemac.org/doku.php?id=documentation_v8p1r1
For the T2D user manual, please read the latest one available in v8p1r1, it was updated a few months ago.
Hope this helps,