Hello sautel,
There are errors for the 2 keywords VARIABLES POUR LES SORTIES GRAPHIQUES you use:
- in the T2D steering file, there is a missing variable between 2 commas (,) or one extra comma (do not use 2 commas in a row),
- in the SISYPHE steering file, the variables JS and TAU are not available.
If you used a release from v8p1, there should have been an error message raising these issues. You are strongly advised to use the latest release (v8p2r0).
Moreover, please do not use tabulations in the ASCII files you manage.
Anyway, changing the VARIABLES FOR GRAPHIC PRINTOUTS (and the name of the input files as I could not have seen all of them) enabled me to run 1 time step.
If you want or model sediment transport, you are now also advised to use the new module GAIA.
Hope this helps,