Hello Glen,
Can you clarify what you mean by "random" and "instabilities". By random you mean that it may depend on the number of cores you run the computation? Instabilities mean crash of the computation, spurious oscillations, strange results? Can you send figures please?
You can use some of the options available by the script telemac2d.py, see options with the hel[: telemac2d.py -h, in particular --split, then -x, then --run, and if you want to merge the different results file --merge. You will also have to use option -w.
Can you share your geometry file please? Or at least upload a figure of the extent + grid to see some coordinates values.
What about the size of the smallest elements? And the maximum velocities expected over the area?
Looking at your steering file (I would start with the 2 first items):
- the value COEFFICIENT TO CALIBRATE TIDAL VELOCITIES = 999 is very suspicious. You sould rather use a value around 1. (from 0.8 to 1.2 or maybe a little bit less or more) or the default value which means it is equal to the square root of COEFFICIENT TO CALIBRATE TIDAL RANGE (in that case, just comment the keyword line),
- have you tried not using the Thompson boundary conditions (OPTION FOR LIQUID BOUNDARIES = 1)? Without Thompson conditions, try to prescribe only water depth, over your maritime boundary first,
- what about the location of the point with longitude ; latitude = 180. ; -44. Is it around the center of your full domain? Can you show a map please?
- can you upload your different FORTRAN FILE + your BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FILE + your HARMONIC CONSTANTS FILE,
- why did you choose IMPLICITATION FOR VELOCITY = 1.0 and IMPLICITATION FOR DEPTH = 1.0? Why not the default values (= 0.55)?
- why did you choose SOLVER = 4? Why not = 1 (conjugate gradient?),
- have you tried to play with the keyword BOTTOM SMOOTHINGS?
Some other comments about your steering file but I do not think they will change your results (or change a lot):
- if you used a OSU tidal solution (like TPXO) or had to interpolate tidal constituents, you should use GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM = 5 (Mercator projection) which is the geographic system at the moment when TELEMAC converts the mesh coordinates to longitude/latitude. When using spherical coordinates, at that step, it is the value expected by TELEMAC. But with this steering file, you do not face this step,
- VELOCITY DIFFUSIVITY = 0.5 may be quite big, how did you choose it?
Hope this helps,