I have and error on Telemac2D v8p2 (last version), when I put the next option in Telemac CAS:
FORTRAN FILE = 'path/to/my/FortranFolder'
I have just copied the fortran module declarations_telemac2d.f from v8p2r0/Sources/Telemac2D into my FortranFolder without changing anything inside file, and when I run telemac2d.py I got the error shown in the attached image.
When I tried just the same on version v8p1r2, i.e., copying declarations_telemac2d.f from v8p1r2/Sources/Telemac2D to my FortranFolder, use de keyword FORTRAN FILE and then run telemac2d.py (this time with version v8p1r2 of course), I got no error.
It seems that there is an incompatibility when recompiling modules inside the Fortran Folder, and the standard modules stored in telemac libraries on version v8p2r0, since the error says that the compiled module (declarations_telemac2d.o in this case) is founded in two different locations, but I have no idea how to solve this issue.
I hope anyone may help me.