Hello Arman,
Do not use the TPXO atlas files containing one constituent per file, but rather the TPXO8 compact or TPXO9v1 or TPXOv4 binary (the ones downloadable in an archive .tar.gz or .tar.Z).
When extracting those archives, you will have a few files:
- one is the grid not needed by TELEMAC,
- 2 other ones with prefix h_tpxo9 for tpxo9 (or hf.tpxo8_atlas_30 for tpxo8) which name is to be given to keyword BINARY DATABASE 1 FOR TIDE or u_tpxo9 for tpxo 9 (or uv.tpxo8_atlas_30 for tpxo8) which name is to be given to keyword BINARY DATABASE 2 FOR TIDE.
Hope this helps,