Hello all,
Thanks again for your answer M. Coulet.
We still didn't take the time to run a debug. We'll do it soon

, and give you some feedback.
Can you explain me what MAXKEYWORD is exactly? I can imagine :
- number of KeyWords in the CAS file (PROCESSEURS PARALLELES is one, DUREE DU CALCUL is antoher one, etc...) ?
- each time there is a ";" in the CAS file (OPTION DE SUPG =0;0;0;0 means 4 or 5 KeyWord ? If I have 10 injections, I have NUMEROS GLOBAUX DES NOEUDS DES SOURCES = 399402;546684;525017;445716;451250;425959;424725;375692;351305;472985 so 10 KeyWord ?)
- Does the number of BUSE count in MAXKEYWORD ?
- Does the number of condition count ?
I would like to figure out were I can go with a MAXKEYWORD = 655 ...
Thanks for your answer.