Hello Guillaume,
Which release of TELEMAC-2D are you using?
In the steering file, you cannot mix French and English keywords (the possible error message is that DAMOCLES does not know one keyword at least).
If you have a TELEMAC environment loaded, you can use the script called manip_cas.py with option translate, e.g.:
manip_cas.py translate telemac2d t2d_name_example.cas
or use the -h option to know more how to use it.
In the TELEMAC-2D user manual available in $HOMETEL/documentation/telemac2d/reference folder or in
you have the translation of every TELEMAC-2D keyword from French to English or vice versa in chapter 3. In chapter 2, you have the keywords sorted by rubriques.
GunnarÖ is right for French. As the dictionary file telemac2d.dico is read by Fortran, the keywords have to be written with a double quote in this file, but in the steering file, you have to use a single quote.
Anyway, it is advised to use English keywords (every example of the database is written in English).
But I am curious to know which release you are using as it should be usable with English.
Hope this helps,