I was able to run a test with Intel Fortran. The oscillations were still present with v8p0 and ifort.
As another test, I ran the model with ifort and v6p1 (perl) using the unstable v8p0 result as a restart file. The simulation quickly stabilized and the water levels in the canal matched the observed data. Furthermore, the simulated longitudinal profile in the canal using v6p1 was smoother with ifort compared to gfortran.
I have attached images of the velocity vectors simulated in the canal using v8p0 and v6p1. The unstable v8p0 model has velocity vectors that are sometimes perpendicular to the axis of the canal. The velocity vectors simulated with v6p1 are aligned with the axis of the canal, as expected.
For now I’m out of ideas of how to stabilize my v8p0 model. I have used v8p0 for other models without issue.
Attached are the steering file and the boundary conditions file as requested.
Thanks for your help!