Hello George,
Technical question that I am not sure to answer perfectly.
Anyway, I try to give a quick answer. Any other comments from you or other people are welcome as it it is not a usual issue that is studied with TELEMAC-2D.
First, as far as I know Telemac uses linear interpolation of velocity components u and v within an element (I will also use the term ‘cell’ hereafter) such that these components are continuous at cell edges between adjacent elements. However, the derivative across (i.e. perpendicular to) cell edges is not continuous.
You are right for Finite Elements.
What should be kept in mind is that TELEMAC-2D does not solve SWE at cells but at the vertices of the triangles. So to my point of view, you cannot think by integrating the equations by element (cell or triangle).
Saying that, it should be more thought deeper to conclude.