Which release do you use?
I have not had any experience in using DENSITY EFFECTS = YES, in particular combined with culverts + evaporation.
I would first try 3 combos and see if they work or not:
- DENSITY EFFECTS = YES + culverts without evaporation (RAIN OR EVAPORATION = NO),
- DENSITY EFFECTS = YES + no culvert + evaporation (RAIN OR EVAPORATION = YES),
- DENSITY EFFECTS = NO + culverts + evaporation (RAIN OR EVAPORATION = YES). For this last combo, salinity would be a passive tracer, maybe easier.
When getting NaN (Not a Number), what is recommended in other posts (you can use the search engine of this forum) is to use debug options. Computations will be longer but when getting a NaN, it stops and may give you the line where this NaN first appears:
See e.g. the S10.gfortran.debug configuration in the $HOMETEL/configs/systel.edf.cfg configuration file, in particular the flag fflags_debug_gfo for gfortran compiler.
fflags_debug_gfo: -g -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -finit-integer=-1 -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
It will show in which subroutine the issue/nan/segfault occurs, the first suspicious line and may help you to change something in your computation.
Anyway, if modelling salinity in an estuary, I would recommend you to rather move to TELEMAC-3D.
Hope this helps,