I encountered an infiltration issue while running the pluie module.
I am using version v8p1 of Telemac. Initially, I used the content of the t2d_pluie_cn.cas file, modifying the cli and slf files for my research area, named my.cli and my.slf respectively. I generated an slf result file with CN coefficients called test_1.slf. Then, I copied the CN coefficients from this test_1.slf file to my.slf using BlueKenue. I ran the t2d_pluie_cn_geo_hyetograph.cas file and generated a result file called test_2.slf. Next, I ran the t2d_pluie_cn_geo_hyetograph.cas file again, but set all CN values in my.slf to 100, creating test_3.slf. Finally, I ran the t2d_pluie_cn_geo_hyetograph.cas file once more, incorporating the slf file with all CN values set to 100 and setting RAINFALL-RUNOFF MODEL=0 (I did not include rainfall but set up a source and input the flow of WATER DISCHARGE OF SOURCES). This generated the result file test_4.slf.
I used MATLAB to output the test_2.slf, test_3.slf, and test_4.slf files into CSV files and found that the water depths in all three files were the same. Could you please let me know if I made a mistake in any of the steps? If so, kindly advise,thanks.