Hello Lucas,
If you want to change the TELEMAC-2D dictionary e.g. to add a new keyword, you have to modify the telemac2d.dico file in the subfolder associated to the configuration you run, $HOMETEL/sources/telemac2d/telemac2d.dico
Otherwise the keyword will not be known and you will get the same error message when running telemac2d.py name_of_steering_file.cas
Anyway, so that the keyword is read, you have to declare a new variable which will be used by the code in the DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D subroutine + this variable should be read in the LECDON_TELEMAC2D subroutine.
I recommend you to copy and paste what is already done for another keyword of the same type in the last 2 subroutines (e.g. what is done for the 112th integer corresponding to keyword MAXIMUM NUMBER OF POINTS FOR SOURCES REGIONS and MNEMO MAXPTSCE).
In the telemac2d.dico and lecdon_telemac2d.f files, choose an index which is not already used (see in the headlines INDICES IN USE, you can use e.g. index 122 for integers as it is free).
Then, you will be able to use the new variable with MNEMO in the parts of TELEMAC-2D you want to modify.
Hope this helps,