Dear all,
I want to extend the friction.tbl by new variables (part of the vegetation example in T2D). It should be able to chose the kind of method to calculate the dimensionles shear stress (shields parameter) if vegetation is used (VEGETATION=YES in T2D) and sediment transport is activated. There will be this new keyword "ARMA" in the friction.tbl and 3 parameters, which need to be defined by the user (diameter, density and plant height, see friction_ARMA.txt). These 4 parameters should also be read by the subroutine friction_read.f
Attached you can find the module "friction_def", the subroutine "friction_read.f" and the friction.tbl for this case. So far, I get the following error message: "C:\opentelemac-mascaret\V8P4\BAPT_veg-shields_new-implementation\NP2_test_arma\t2d_veg.cas_2024-06-04-15h28min49s\user_fortran\user_fortran_BAPT_ARMA.f:116:10:
| 1
Fatal Error: Mismatch in components of derived type 'friction_obj' from 'friction_def' at (1): expecting 'stype', but got 'rcoef'
compilation terminated."
My question is: Do I miss something while programming or is it an issue of compiling the system newly when a module is changed?
I am looking forward to your answers/suggestions.