Here are a few hints:
You are probably running Telemac with defaults values of parameters, some of them can be improved (and are kept as such in the defaults values for the sake of already existing test-cases and old studies).
I would advise to have in your parameter file:
Then the wave equation will be solved instead of the primitive equations, it will be much faster. Then the conjugate gradient is OK and solver=1 is possible.
Then check the key-word : PERIOD FOR GRAPHIC PRINTOUTS
this is probably the reason why you see nothing in your results file.
You should then look at the outflow boundary conditions, where you should have a prescribed depth (or elevation) condition. On this outflow the velocities are free and it may be that a few velocities will enter the domain (this is so in the test-case called "pildepon", when a von Karman eddy exits). At the lines corresponding to the exit the boundary conditions file must start with 5 4 4, stating that depth is prescribed and U and V are free.
The parameter file can be changed with Fudaa but once you are used to keywords you can also edit it as a text file.
I hope this will bring some improvement,
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet