Are the variables the I have to specify meant to be declared in the steering file? or are they supposed to be put directly in the lines of fortran code?
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You may change the value of friction coefficients in this subroutine, without declaring anything in the steering file. By default a constant value is given.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet
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Thank you. I have subsequently read another blog post about assigning friction coefficients to each node on the mesh and I have done this instead.
There is one more subroutine I wish to use noerod.f I would like to use to represent a fraction of my domain that is made of concrete.
I know the subroutine can be used to define Zr which is the depth at which the erodible layer ends and bedrock is reached. Can it also be used to specify sub-region in the domain for which bedrock is already at the surface? If do my dimension variables have to be entered through the fortran code or is there another way to do this?
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Well in noerod.f you give the elevation of non erodible bed, if you want it to be at the surface (if I understand well i.e. the bottom) you can just set that ZR = ZF in some areas, this is to be done in noerod.f and there is no other way so far.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet
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Great news: The next TELEMAC User Conference will be organised by Bangor University on the 15th and 16th of October 2025, at the School of Ocean Sciences in Menai Bridge, on the Isle of Anglesey, Wale [ ... ]