when using a input flow hydrograph and an outlet stage-discharge file in which by increasing discharge the water level goes down, for example:
Q(2) SL(2)
m3/s m
0.0 533.6
150.0 533.6
170.0 533.6
220.0 531.8
than, after the discharge at the outlet reached the value of 170.0, the water level in the simulations is jumping between 533.6 and 531.8m and is not correctly interpolated.
There seems to be a bug, where Telemac interpolates between the given values, so probably Telemac calculates in this case a negative water level and uses then the minimum value.
Is there a way to correct this?
At the moment we added the water level in the hydrograph file. This solution is working well, but it is not really correct.
Many thanks,