No, XEL, YEL in Telemac-2D are coordinates defined as XEL(NELEM,3), it is coordinates given per element (they are used like this when building matrices, and in spherical coordinates they may be different from X(NPOIN) and Y(NPOIN).
With cartesian coordinates we have XEL(IELEM,1)=X(IKLE(IELEM,1))
ZEL is not used in Telemac-2D. If you want to change ZF, the bottom topography, you can do it in a subroutiner that is called at every time step, e.g. in utimp_telemac2d, then you just do things like:
ZF%R(132)=2.3D0 for example (but this example will not work uin parallel). As the depth will be left unchanged, it will give a modification of the free surface, and then it will flow. We do like this when the bottom is updated by the sediment transport.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet