Well actually there is no specific boundary condition treatment at an exit with free velocities. We only check if velocities are re-entering and put a warning that you probably see. Would you like to do corrections, you could insert subroutine propin_telemac2d into your FORTRAN FILE. Then after line ALERTE1=.TRUE. you can try to change U(N) and V(N), provided that you change their INTENT(IN) into INTENT(INOUT). We have such a case in the so called pildepon case, in the wake of a pier, and this is normal.
You can try also to change the advection solver for velocities. It is the first figure of keyword :
1 is characteristics
2 is SUPG
4 is distributive scheme
If you have 1 (default) try 4 which is more diffusive. We are happy with characteristics because with them we have von Karman eddies behind bridge piers and correct oscillation period, whereas with more diffusive schemes like finite volumes with first order, you find no eddies at all, which raises no problem at exits but is not really physics.