Sorry for this long post but I feel I am doing something in a wrong way, probably with gfortran compiler options, and other things as well...
I am a student learning Telemac2D and I have tried to install Telemac at home using the last version on my ubuntu 11.04 station.
I followed the instruction using python compilation / installation scripts using gfortran-4.5.
I have been able to compile the whole Telemac project with both gfortran and openMpi tools.
I have benn in trouble with running Telemac2D in all cases and comparing my results with our Windows version installed at university:
1/ With the sequential configuration (without openmpi), I had a problem reading the discharge-rate file (fichier des courbes de tarages) : the simulation stopped while reading the file with en error code 2 (no problem on windows at university).
As a work-around I modified the read_fic_curves.f file, line 67 in order to avoid stopping the read instruction with error instruction code.
2/ With openmpi configuration : the run stop with a message expecting to read 72 characters somewhere (in the steering file) but there is a first segmentation fault while partitioning the grid.
3/ With the sequential configuration : the simulation run is quite slow on my computer with respect to the university one. I am surprised as my computer is an HP-xw6400 workstation with 4 intel xeon processors and 4gBytes of RAM memory. It runs faster at universiy with older intel dual core stations on windows
Thank you very much for any help or advise