There is no such information for elements, I'm afraid you will have to do a loop on all elements, to find the one that has the correct 3 global numbers of points, and there you will have to use KNOLG. Depending on where you do this, you can use the connectivity IKLE as IKLE(NELEM,3), or if not available as such the 3 global numbers of points of the element will be MESH%IKLE%I(IELEM),MESH%IKLE%I(IELEM+NELEM),MESH%IKLE%I(IELEM+2*NELEM), this for the local numbering, and then apply KNOLG to find the original numbering.
I hope this helps, it is rather cumbersome but actually the KNOLG for elements is never used except for your case.
Jean-Michel Hervouet