For me there is no technical reason (maybe by the past?) to keep the value of NWRMAX in the code.
It seems to me we could envisage to cancel this value and replace it by a dynamic allocation.
Nevertheless, 4 years ago, we start do develop a new version of weirs where the number of points on each side of the wear could be different and also with a weir crest which could vary along the weir. It was envisaged to implement this developement in Telemac and replace the current solution.
But we've met some problems in this developement which works anly in scalar mode but not in parallel that's why we didn't implement it.
So the old solution remains...
Hope to find time to develop a full parallel soltuion and implement it in telemac in a near future.
In the meantime, as riadh wrote, you could change the NWRMAX value in declarations_telemac2d.f and make a full compilation of telemac.