Hello there,
I have just installed openTELEMAC v6p2 and got the graphical interface (FUDAA).
But, as a newcomer willing to model shallow water waves with Telemac2D (for my MSc thesis), it seems that I cannot go anywhere from there.
From the manuals I understood that I need a steering file (managed to find one from the TOMAWAC manual, so at least I know what does it look like), a geometry file and a boundary file. But the manuals don't give any examples, nor there are any test files to check if the program is correctly working in my system.
So, in this respect, I have two questions:
1. How can I generate a geometry, bathymetry or boundary condition file?
2. In order to do a tsunami modeling in 2D, do I need some additional files other than these (+ the steering file)?
Thanks in advance for your help. I think my main problem is the lack of extensive tutorial for the newcomer, before all.
Kindest regards,