Since i'm going to use Telemac for a large model simulation, to improve computation efficiency, i want to swith from scalar mode to parallel one.
I use Intel Visual Fortran to compile the whole system according to the guidelines on Telemac web,(since 'On MS Windows operating systems, unfortunately we have not yet found an easy way to compile the METIS library locally', i directly use the 'metis-5_lib' from this web).
Compilation of the whole system seems quite normal and successful. But when i try to test the parallel mode with simple cases, it just doesn't work(with still DOS interface shown in the figure), even when PARALLEL PROCESSORS = 0.
Can anyone please give me a hint...
P.S. my computer: win7, 32bit,4GB RAM, i5-2310 CPU(dual-core, 2.90HZ).
Best regard.