I have Telemac v6p2 in Ubuntu 11.04, try to work on Telemac2D.
After creating the mesh file, when I attempt to execute a telemac application, I get the message:
...opentelemac/v6p2/bin/telemac2D: 13: Error: not found
So I switch to command line, and type
....perl -i /home/alibaba/opentelemac/v6p2/pytel/telemac2d.py t2d_bumpflu_v1p1.cas
but this time after the attempt I see:
|Not able to find your OBJECT command line: ubugfopenmpi/telemac2dv6p2.cmdo
| ... you have to compile this module at least: telemac2d
What is wrong with the system?
Thanks in advance,