Hi Hanna,
JMJ database comes from EDF. Jean-Marc Janin (JMJ) was a former developper and user of TELEMAC a long time ago (I have never met him). You can refer to:
J.-M. Janin, X. Blanchard. “Simulation des courants de marée en Manche et Proche Atlantique,” EDF DER–LNH report HE-42/92.58, 1992.
You seem not having attended last TELEMAC-MASCARET Workshop nor Conference (no problem :)). You can find enclosed the slides I showed last week and the paper about modelling tides. It may help you. All proceedings and slides are supposed to be available on this website very soon, but if you cannot wait... :)
Moreover, I do not know if the enclosed report is available on the website, but it can also help you, even though it is only for version 6.1 (and in French only for this version, sorry). Version 6.2 is to be written in a close future (when I have time... and translated in English).
Attachment simulation_maree_v6p1.pdf not found
Anyway, I read your files and I have some comments to give you, the two first ones are the most important I think:
- if CORIOLIS = YES, you should give a value to 'COEFFICIENT DE CORIOLIS' (see the dictionnary to calculate it), as already told in a previous post. I think it should not be too different from 1.11E-4 (for latitude 49.7°). Otherwise, default value equal to 0 is taken (that may influence your horizontal velocities),
- you do not use any law of gottom friction 'LOI DE FROTTEMENT SUR LE FOND', so that there is no friction by default. In real cases, that must be more realistic (and also a way to calibrate your model). If using a law of friction (e.g. Strickler), do not forget to give a value to the friction coefficient 'COEFFICIENT DE FROTTEMENT', as already told in a previous post,
- with version 6.2, if you have tidal solutions coming from OSU (e.g. TPXO or European Shelf), you can initialise your computation with them (both elevation and velocities) rather than giving a uniform initial elevation. Please use keyword option 'ALTIMETRIE SATELLITE TPXO' for keyword 'CONDITION INITIALE' ('COTE INITIALE' is then useless), but it works better if bathymetry is refered to Mean Sea Level,
- if you want to prescribe both elevation and velocities, you should use 'OPTION POUR LES FRONTIERES LIQUIDES' equal to 2 (Thompson's conditions),
- if you want to calibrate your model (if needed), you can use the two coefficients 'COEFFICIENT DE CALAGE DU MARNAGE' and 'COEFFICIENT DE CALAGE DES VITESSES DE COURANT', in addition to the friction coefficient,
- if you have any wiggles for free surface or velocities, you can decrease the value of 'COMPATIBILITE DU GRADIENT DE SURFACE LIBRE' (e.g. for a case, I had to use 0.5 rather than 0.9), in particular when using Thompson's conditions,
For the reference of bathymetry, you can use CORFON subroutine to change it, by substracting half tidal range of an astronomical tide, coming from the harmonic constants database. I do not have any subroutine already implemented, but I would do like this.