Hello Thong,
You can either use the :
on Channel T2D_FILES(T2DRFO)%LU
or open your own file, provided that you open it under a name '..\nameof thefile' so that it is not in the temporary folder that will be destroyed at the end of the run. You must be careful also to open it only once.
In parallel, it is a bit more complicated, the formatted results file is declared as "PARAL" in the dictionary, so every processor will write one with an extension, it would be better to declare it as "SCAL" and let only the processor 0 writing it. Same thing if you open your own file, only processor 0 should write it, so write under the protection of IF(IPID.EQ.0) THEN... commands.
I hope that helps, regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet