What do you mean by "river boundary"?
In the past, you enforce water depth, that's mean that you have a physical boundary condition (hbor=2) or is is purely fictitious condition? in this case, the generated velocity is not physical.
In general, in 2D model the river is located far enough from lateral boundaries which are dry in most cases (with solid boundary condition). Telemac will handle drying cells depending on the option you've introduced in your steering file and depending on the kernel you are using (finite volumes or finite elements)
In finite volumes, the drying is automatically tackled without any user prescription (by the called hydrostatic reconstruction). In Finite elements, several options are possible :
TREATMENT OF THE TIDAL FLATS :1 ==> specific treatments to avoid any division by h,this could generate negative water depth and a loss of mass especially if you use the clipping option.
TREATMENT OF THE TIDAL FLATS :2 ==> drying elements are removed from computation (you need to define a threshold value MINIMUM VALUE OF DEPTH)
TREATMENT OF THE TIDAL FLATS :3 ==> like option 1 but using a method based on porosity.
You can see the user manual that gives you more details connected to the use of option 1 and 3.
I hope that this helps
My best regards
Riadh ATA