This is a difficult task, maybe someone will give an example, even quick and dirty. If not you need to have the list of boundary points of the smaller mesh, with their coordinates, so that you can locate them in the larger mesh (subroutine derive in library bief will give you inspiration on how to locate a point in a mesh and find the barycentric coordinates). You will have then to rerun the larger model and write in a file the (interpolated) values of elevation and velocities, varying in time.
Then the smaller model can read this file and find what is to be prescribed at the boundaries, this probably must be done with Thompson boundary conditions to have a well posed problem.
The test case 028_ondem2 shows an example where the depth at boundaries is deduced from data in a file. It works in parallel and shows that you can nearly empty the standard BORD subroutine and write your own code, provided that the values of HBOR, UBOR and VBOR are given. In this case UBOR and VBOR are not given because the velocities are declared as unknown and the Thompson method will estimate them.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet