Hi Matt,
Prior to answer you, I have a few questions to ask:
- what is the reference of the sea level in your model? Chart Datum or Mean Sea Level? If it is CD, please read the following post (there was a bug in version 6.2):
Anyway, can you just try to start your simulation with a "constant elevation" initial condition just to see if your problem comes from the initial conditions?
As told in the paper "Use of tidal harmonic constants databases to force open boundary conditions in TELEMAC" from the last TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference available at the following link
at the end of section III or in the slides available in the post:
when possible, you are advised to use a local or a regional solution from OSU rather than the TPXO global solution, in particular when tidal flats are present in the tidal solution.
If you want to implement some modifications, you have to copy the whole TPXO module available in the telemac2d directory (please see in particular the BORD_TIDE_TPXO subroutine for the boundary conditions and CONDI_TPXO subroutine for the initial conditions).
Hope this helps,