Hi Gourish,
For your example of area, there are two databases of harmonic constants that can be used with TELEMAC:
- FES2004 or FES2012 global solution from LEGOS;
- tidal solutions from OSU (the global solution TPXO, the regional solution Indian Ocean and maybe the local solution Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf if the extent of your model is fully embedded inside). Please read
In the version 6.2 of TELEMAC, when you have an open boundary with the code 5 in the 1st column of the boundary conditions file (i.e. LIHBOR = 5) or the code 6 in the 2nd and 3rd columns of the same file (i.e. LIUBOR and LIVBOR = 6), the boundary conditions for tides are prescribed. If you do not want this generic treatment, you have to change a few things, e.g. the NUMTIDE array that is not used in the BORD_TIDE_TPXO subroutine of the module TPXO (in the TELEMAC-2D sources directory). You can use an ASCII file to define the number of boundaries where you want to prescribe tidal conditions and borders of your open boundaries, and use this array as it is done for the JMJ or the NEA databases (see BORD_TIDE or BORD_TIDE_LEGOS subroutines).
Hope this helps,