Hi everyone,
I have a problem like this: I develop my own program to run with telemac2d. When I executed the program in sequential mode, it run well and everything seems ok but when I executed it in parallel mode: 2, 4 , 6 processors on my intel cluster (80 cores), the execution becomes slower than in sequential mode. I wonder that: are there any problem in my coding or my cluster ?
Because I can execute the sample code in Validation directory of Telemac, and of course, the parallel mode always gives the small execution time than the sequential mode. I think the problem is in my coding but I do not know how to debug the Fortran program with opentelemac system. My program, however, links to Metis and I also saw mpiexec executes to create 2, 4, 6 .. processes etc according to my steering file. But I could not decide where is the problem in my code to improve it.
Are there any solution to debug the program and opentelemac system?
I am looking forward to any idea from all of you !
Best regards,