TOPIC: Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie
Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12469
And here is my Fortran file
C ******************** SUBROUTINE DEF_ZONES C ******************** C C*********************************************************************** C TELEMAC 2D VERSION 5.2 17/08/01 J-M HERVOUET C*********************************************************************** C C USER SUBROUTINE C C FUNCTION : DEFINITION OF ZONES IN THE MESH C C THE RESULT MUST BE C C NZONE : THE NUMBER OF ZONES C C ZONE : STRUCTURE OF SIZE NPOIN STATING THE ZONE NUMBER C OF EVERY POINT C C C ARGUMENTS USED IN THE EXAMPLE C .________________.____.______________________________________________ C | NOM |MODE| ROLE C |________________|____|_______________________________________________ C | ZF |<-->| FOND A MODIFIER. C | X,Y,(Z) | -->| COORDONNEES DU MAILLAGE (Z N'EST PAS EMPLOYE). C | A |<-- | MATRICE C | T1,2 | -->| TABLEAUX DE TRAVAIL (DIMENSION NPOIN) C | W1 | -->| TABLEAU DE TRAVAIL (DIMENSION 3 * NELEM) C | NPOIN | -->| NOMBRE DE POINTS DU MAILLAGE. C | PRIVE | -->| TABLEAU PRIVE POUR L'UTILISATEUR. C | LISFON | -->| NOMBRE DE LISSAGES DU FOND. C |________________|____|______________________________________________ C MODE : -->(DONNEE NON MODIFIEE), <--(RESULTAT), <-->(DONNEE MODIFIEE) C C C PROGRAMME APPELANT : C PROGRAMMES APPELES : RIEN EN STANDARD C C*********************************************************************** C USE BIEF USE DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D C IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER LNG,LU COMMON/INFO/LNG,LU C C+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ C C+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ C INTEGER :: I ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NSOM ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: X,Y ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: XSOM(NSOM),YSOM(NSOM) C C C NZONE = 1 DO I=1,NPOIN ZONE%I(I) = 1 ENDDO C C C IF(LNG.EQ.1) WRITE(LU,*) 'DEF_ZONES : ',NZONE,' ZONES DEFINIES' IF(LNG.EQ.2) WRITE(LU,*) 'DEF_ZONES : ',NZONE,' ZONES DEFINED' C C C RETURN END ! ****************** SUBROUTINE MESURES ! ****************** ! &(ITER,TT) ! !*********************************************************************** ! TELEMAC2D V6P1 21/08/2010 !*********************************************************************** ! !brief READS MEASURED H, U AND V AT TIME AT. !+ GIVES THE CORRESPONDING WEIGHTS ALPHA1, ALPHA2 AND ALPHA3. ! !warning USER SUBROUTINE ! !history J-M HERVOUET (LNHE) !+ 17/08/2001 !+ V5P2 !+ ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 13/07/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Translation of French comments within the FORTRAN sources into !+ English comments ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 21/08/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Creation of DOXYGEN tags for automated documentation and !+ cross-referencing of the FORTRAN sources ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !| ITER |-->| ITERATION WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE MEASUREMENTS !| TT |-->| CORRESPONDING TIME (TO CHECK) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! USE BIEF USE DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER LNG,LU COMMON/INFO/LNG,LU ! !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ITER DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: TT ! !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ! DOUBLE PRECISION TPS,C LOGICAL OKH,OKU,OKV INTEGER I ! ! ! IF(T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%NAME(1:1).NE.' ') THEN ! ! ! ! WHEN MEASUREMENTS ARE IN A SELAFIN FILE ! CALL FIND_IN_SEL(HD,TEXTE(4)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & W,OKH,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) CALL FIND_IN_SEL(UD,TEXTE(1)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & W,OKU,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) CALL FIND_IN_SEL(VD,TEXTE(2)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & W,OKV,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) ! IF(.NOT.OKH.OR..NOT.OKU.OR..NOT.OKV) THEN IF(LNG.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEME DE LECTURE DE HD, UD OU VD' ENDIF IF(LNG.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEM WHEN READIND HD, UD, OR VD' ENDIF CALL PLANTE(1) STOP ENDIF IF(ABS(TT-TPS).GT.1.D-3) THEN IF(LNG.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEME DE LECTURE DU TEMPS' ENDIF IF(LNG.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEM WHEN READIND TIME' ENDIF CALL PLANTE(1) STOP ENDIF ! UD AND VD MAY BE QUASI-BUBBLE ! (BUT ALPHA2 AND ALPHA3 WILL BE SET TO 0) IF(UD%ELM.EQ.12) THEN CALL CHGDIS(UD,11,12,MESH) CALL CHGDIS(VD,11,12,MESH) ENDIF ! ! ! ELSE ! ! ! ! CASE TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY USER HERE (OTHER FILE FORMAT, ETC.) ! IF(LNG.EQ.1) WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES A PROGRAMMER DANS MESURES' IF(LNG.EQ.2) WRITE(LU,*) 'MEASUREMENTS TO IMPLEMENT IN MESURES' CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=HD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ', X=UD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ', X=VD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA1 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA2 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA3 ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! CHANGEMENT BY USER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HD%R(9212)= 4.19D0 ALPHA1%R(9212)=1.D0 ! ! ! ENDIF ! ! ! ! WEIGHT FUNCTIONS FOR ALL THE TIMESTEPS ! CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & HD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) IF(HD%ELM.NE.UD%ELM) THEN CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & UD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) ENDIF ! ! ! CANCELS WEIGHTS FOR QUASI-BUBBLE POINTS ! IF(UD%ELM.EQ.12) THEN DO I=NPOIN+1,NPOIN+NELEM ALPHA2%R(I)=0.D0 ALPHA3%R(I)=0.D0 ENDDO ENDIF ! ! ! RETURN END |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12475
OK this is all like the estimation example, so we would need all your files to run the case, provided that it works normally when run without estimation procedure. With best regards, Jean-Michel Hervouet |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12481
Good morning
I have attached with this mail our real case in which the direct mode run without problem. Thank you very much |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12502
Good morning
Did you receive all file to run the case? |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12504
Actually there is no file attached and I have received nothing by E-mail... JMH |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 10 months ago #12505
Last time I have tried sometimes, but may be it not work. Now I am trying to send one more time.
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 2 months ago #15226
Dear hervouet,
I want to confirm one thing from your reply about the usage of estimating. As I understant that, the content below(lines with black color) should put inside the if loop in measures.f, but there also exsit some lines doing similar things outside the if loop, should I comment out those lines(I put them in red color)? As I think these lines will make alpha1 have the non-zero value, do I understand correct? CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=HD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=UD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=VD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA1 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA2 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA3 ) and keep the integral of test functions (we put weights proportionnal to the area around points): CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & HD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) Then suppose you know that the depth of point 325 is 3.2 m: HD%R(325)=3.2D0 (here it may also depend on the iteration ITER) ALPHA1%R(325)=T1%R(325) CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & HD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA1 , T1 , T1 , C ) ! ! CASE OF QUASI-BUBBLE ELEMENT FOR UD IF(HD%ELM.NE.UD%ELM) THEN CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & UD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) ENDIF ! CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA2 , T1 , T1 , C ) CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA3 , T1 , T1 , C ) ! ! CANCELS WEIGHTS FOR QUASI-BUBBLE POINTS ! IF(UD%ELM.EQ.12) THEN DO I=NPOIN+1,NPOIN+NELEM ALPHA2%R(I)=0.D0 ALPHA3%R(I)=0.D0 ENDDO ENDIF |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 2 months ago #15232
The answer is probably yes, the lines for quasi-bubble are not necessary if the arrays are initialised with 0 by the call to OS. And the computation of T1 by VECTOR must be done before using it of course. If in doubt send your Fortran file and we'll see. With best regards, Jean-Michel Hervouet |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 2 months ago #15235
Dear Hervouet,
Belew is my fortran file, I want to do the estimating work using time series of h/u/v data acquired from several stations, the code was written follow the format in this post. As the data is a little more, so some of them were omitted by .... I want to define the number of zones according to the stations, and to estimate several friction values in different zones around each station location. And as the coding work for fortran file was not finished, so I havn't test my case yet. And I have further two questions. First, would we get a better estimation when give more h/u/v data? I'm not sure if it's necessary to supply all of the measuring data in the fortran file? Second,if we use the value FRICTION,STEADY for PARAMETER ESTIMATION, if the estimation result was determined from the comparison of computation results of the last time step? or all of my h/u/v data in different time steps will take effect on the final estimation results? ! ******************** SUBROUTINE DEF_ZONES ! ******************** ! ! !*********************************************************************** ! TELEMAC2D V6P1 21/08/2010 !*********************************************************************** ! !brief DEFINES ZONES IN THE MESH. THE RESULT MUST BE : !+ !+ NZONE : THE NUMBER OF ZONES, !+ !+ ZONE : STRUCTURE OF SIZE NPOIN STATING THE ZONE NUMBER !+ OF EVERY POINT. ! !warning USER SUBROUTINE; DOES NOTHING BY DEFAULT ! !history J-M HERVOUET !+ 17/08/2001 !+ V5P3 !+ ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 13/07/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Translation of French comments within the FORTRAN sources into !+ English comments ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 21/08/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Creation of DOXYGEN tags for automated documentation and !+ cross-referencing of the FORTRAN sources ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! USE BIEF USE DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER LNG,LU COMMON/INFO/LNG,LU ! !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ integer i,nfo2,itmp real xtmp,ytmp !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ! ! ! nfo2=T2D_FILES(T2DFO2)%LU do i=1,npoin read(nfo2,*) itmp,xtmp,ytmp,ZONE%I(I) enddo ! NZONE = ??? ! ZONE%I(I) = ??? ! ! ! RETURN END !*********************************************************************** ! ! ! ****************** SUBROUTINE MESURES ! ****************** ! &(ITER,TT) ! !*********************************************************************** ! TELEMAC2D V6P3 21/08/2010 !*********************************************************************** ! !brief READS MEASURED H, U AND V AT TIME AT. !+ GIVES THE CORRESPONDING WEIGHTS ALPHA1, ALPHA2 AND ALPHA3. ! !warning USER SUBROUTINE ! !history J-M HERVOUET (LNHE) !+ 17/08/2001 !+ V5P2 !+ ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 13/07/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Translation of French comments within the FORTRAN sources into !+ English comments ! !history N.DURAND (HRW), S.E.BOURBAN (HRW) !+ 21/08/2010 !+ V6P0 !+ Creation of DOXYGEN tags for automated documentation and !+ cross-referencing of the FORTRAN sources ! !history R. KOPMANN (EDF R&D, LNHE) !+ 16/04/2013 !+ V6P3 !+ Adding the file format in the call to FIND_IN_SEL. ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !| ITER |-->| ITERATION WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE MEASUREMENTS !| TT |-->| CORRESPONDING TIME (TO CHECK) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! USE BIEF USE DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER LNG,LU COMMON/INFO/LNG,LU ! !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ITER DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: TT ! !+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ! DOUBLE PRECISION TPS,C LOGICAL OKH,OKU,OKV INTEGER I,DISCLIN ! ! ! IF(T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%NAME(1:1).NE.' ') THEN ! ! ! ! WHEN MEASUREMENTS ARE IN A SELAFIN FILE ! CALL FIND_IN_SEL(HD,TEXTE(4)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%FMT,W,OKH,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) CALL FIND_IN_SEL(UD,TEXTE(1)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%FMT,W,OKU,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) CALL FIND_IN_SEL(VD,TEXTE(2)(1:16),T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%LU, & T2D_FILES(T2DREF)%FMT,W,OKV,RECORD=ITER,TIME=TPS) ! IF(.NOT.OKH.OR..NOT.OKU.OR..NOT.OKV) THEN IF(LNG.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEME DE LECTURE DE HD, UD OU VD' ENDIF IF(LNG.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEM WHEN READIND HD, UD, OR VD' ENDIF CALL PLANTE(1) STOP ENDIF IF(ABS(TT-TPS).GT.1.D-3) THEN IF(LNG.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEME DE LECTURE DU TEMPS' ENDIF IF(LNG.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES : PROBLEM WHEN READIND TIME' ENDIF CALL PLANTE(1) STOP ENDIF ! UD AND VD MAY BE QUASI-BUBBLE ! (BUT ALPHA2 AND ALPHA3 WILL BE SET TO 0) IF(UD%ELM.EQ.12) THEN DISCLIN=11 CALL CHGDIS(UD,DISCLIN,12,MESH) CALL CHGDIS(VD,DISCLIN,12,MESH) ENDIF ! ! ! ELSE ! ! ! ! CASE TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY USER HERE (OTHER FILE FORMAT, ETC.) ! cancelling all values and weights CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=HD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=UD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=VD ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA1 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA2 ) CALL OS( 'X=0 ' , X=ALPHA3 ) ! keep the integral of test functions (we put weights proportionnal to the area around points) CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', & HD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) ! for 2006 winter- SPRING /NEAP TIDE IF(ABS(TT- 810000.D0).LT.1.D-6) THEN HD%R(50055)= 17.6D0 UD%R(50055)= 0.089D0 VD%R(50055)= -0.201D0 ALPHA1%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA2%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA3%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ELSEIF(ABS(TT- 813600.D0).LT.1.D-6) THEN HD%R(46169)= 16.3D0 UD%R(46169)= 0.093D0 VD%R(46169)= -0.011D0 ALPHA1%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA2%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA3%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) HD%R(50055)= 17.2D0 UD%R(50055)= 0.033D0 VD%R(50055)= 0.095D0 ALPHA1%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA2%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA3%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) HD%R(52026)= 15.3D0 UD%R(52026)= 0.036D0 VD%R(52026)= 0.146D0 ALPHA1%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA2%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA3%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) HD%R(46796)= 16.8D0 UD%R(46796)= -0.024D0 VD%R(46796)= 0.070D0 ALPHA1%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA2%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA3%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ELSEIF(ABS(TT- 817200.D0).LT.1.D-6) THEN HD%R(54786)= 21.8D0 UD%R(54786)= 0.087D0 VD%R(54786)= 0.266D0 ALPHA1%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) ALPHA2%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) ALPHA3%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) HD%R(46230)= 27.4D0 UD%R(46230)= 0.081D0 VD%R(46230)= 0.236D0 ALPHA1%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) ALPHA2%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) ALPHA3%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) HD%R(66638)= 13.0D0 UD%R(66638)= 0.192D0 VD%R(66638)= 0.085D0 ALPHA1%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) ALPHA2%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) ALPHA3%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) HD%R(61863)= 12.5D0 UD%R(61863)= 0.034D0 VD%R(61863)= 0.278D0 ALPHA1%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) ALPHA2%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) ALPHA3%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) HD%R(46169)= 15.5D0 UD%R(46169)= -0.226D0 VD%R(46169)= 0.588D0 ALPHA1%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA2%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA3%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) HD%R(50055)= 16.9D0 UD%R(50055)= -0.302D0 VD%R(50055)= 0.448D0 ALPHA1%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA2%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA3%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) HD%R(52026)= 15.5D0 UD%R(52026)= -0.170D0 VD%R(52026)= 0.555D0 ALPHA1%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA2%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA3%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) HD%R(46796)= 16.0D0 UD%R(46796)= -0.281D0 VD%R(46796)= 0.507D0 ALPHA1%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA2%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA3%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ELSEIF(ABS(TT- 820800.D0).LT.1.D-6) THEN HD%R(54786)= 21.9D0 UD%R(54786)= -0.113D0 VD%R(54786)= 0.212D0 ALPHA1%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) ALPHA2%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) ALPHA3%R(54786)=T1%R(54786) HD%R(46230)= 27.8D0 UD%R(46230)= -0.129D0 VD%R(46230)= 0.178D0 ALPHA1%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) ALPHA2%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) ALPHA3%R(46230)=T1%R(46230) HD%R(66638)= 12.1D0 UD%R(66638)= -0.043D0 VD%R(66638)= -0.015D0 ALPHA1%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) ALPHA2%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) ALPHA3%R(66638)=T1%R(66638) HD%R(61863)= 12.5D0 UD%R(61863)= -0.128D0 VD%R(61863)= 0.096D0 ALPHA1%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) ALPHA2%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) ALPHA3%R(61863)=T1%R(61863) HD%R(46169)= 14.7D0 UD%R(46169)= -0.372D0 VD%R(46169)= 0.798D0 ALPHA1%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA2%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) ALPHA3%R(46169)=T1%R(46169) HD%R(50055)= 16.8D0 UD%R(50055)= -0.447D0 VD%R(50055)= 0.688D0 ALPHA1%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA2%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) ALPHA3%R(50055)=T1%R(50055) HD%R(52026)= 15.0D0 UD%R(52026)= -0.254D0 VD%R(52026)= 0.884D0 ALPHA1%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA2%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) ALPHA3%R(52026)=T1%R(52026) HD%R(46796)= 16.2D0 UD%R(46796)= -0.460D0 VD%R(46796)= 0.797D0 ALPHA1%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA2%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) ALPHA3%R(46796)=T1%R(46796) !...... ENDIF ! ! IF(LNG.EQ.1) WRITE(LU,*) 'MESURES A PROGRAMMER DANS MESURES' ! IF(LNG.EQ.2) WRITE(LU,*) 'MEASUREMENTS TO IMPLEMENT IN MESURES' ! CALL PLANTE(1) ! STOP ! ! ! ENDIF ! ! ! !! WEIGHT FUNCTIONS FOR ALL THE TIMESTEPS !! ! CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', ! & HD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, ! & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) ! CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA1 , T1 , T1 , C ) !! !! CASE OF QUASI-BUBBLE ELEMENT FOR UD ! IF(HD%ELM.NE.UD%ELM) THEN ! CALL VECTOR(T1,'=','MASBAS ', ! & UD%ELM,1.D0,T3,T3,T3,T3,T3, ! & T3,MESH,MSK,MASKEL) ! ENDIF !! ! CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA2 , T1 , T1 , C ) ! CALL OS( 'X=Y ' , ALPHA3 , T1 , T1 , C ) !! !! CANCELS WEIGHTS FOR QUASI-BUBBLE POINTS !! ! IF(UD%ELM.EQ.12) THEN ! DO I=NPOIN+1,NPOIN+NELEM ! ALPHA2%R(I)=0.D0 ! ALPHA3%R(I)=0.D0 ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ! ! RETURN END |
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Estimation of bottom friction with one time-serie 10 years 2 months ago #15236
Dear Hervouet,
I just tested my case, but failed with 'CRACJG (BIEF) : EXCEEDING MAXIMUM ITERATIONS : 500 RELATIVE PRECISION : 0.1324895E+20', and the computation just paused. Except estimated related parameters were added, the only one change of cas file is the value of TREATMENT OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM from 2 to 1, which is asked for estimation. I'm not so sure how to adjust the numerical parameters, would you give me some suggestion? viola
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