Hello everyone
I am making a tidal prediction model for the Belgian coastal zone. To accomplish accurate results in this zone a continental shelf model is put up in Telemac. After constructing the grid and trying to run the model i have encountered a serious problem:
The model starts calculating but after a few time steps the velocities and water levels rise to impossible values in the order of 10^50. I have checked my grid and there is nothing wrong, no edge spanning elements or over constrained elements and only 1.5 % of the elements has an angle larger than 90°.
I have tried the following things to search for the cause of the problem:
- Instead of using tpxo and tidal predictions just putting a water level at the boundary which varies between -1 m and + 1 m.
- Making a grid with a uniform bathymetry of - 100 m.
- Changing the coördinate system from lat/lon to cartesian
- Using the TPXO Satellite initial condition
Non of the above worked so I'm starting to get hopeless :). The .cas file is in the attachment. I cannot send you the grid file but I can show a screen shot of it.
The grid is created in lat/lon and the bathymetry is in negative meters. Every bay has enough nodes so water entrance is possible. The smallest cells are about 800 meters wide so I chose a timestep of a minute to be absolutely sure the courant number stays very low.
I hope someone can help me here, thank you in advance!