I am just beginning to use the parallel version of Telemac2D and tried to compile the source code (V6P2). Before I did that, I installed MPICH2 and also added "mpif.h" of MPICH2 as header file to my project. But I got errors by compiling, which indicate that the extern symbol, for example, "MPI_ALLREDUCE" can not be found. I think, some other files are also needed for the compliling. Can you tell me which library contains "MPI_ALLREDUCE", "MPI_COMM_RANK", ...?
Another question is, whether the project data must be changed manuelly in order to take the parallel calculation. I can not find much information in the user's guide of Telemac2D about the adaption of the project data for the parallel calculation. I only know that the project area must be divided into sub-domains. Is this done by the programm automatically?
best wishes