The first question is: how big is your model domain. If your model domain is relatively small, then you probably do not need to use the tide generating force, provided that the tide is properly defined at the boundaries.
If your domain is relatively large, then you should work in spherical coordinates because then the effect of the grid projection becomes important. Last time I checked (which was Telemac version v6p3r2), entering coordinates in latitude/longitude gave some problems. It was planned to resolve these problems in Telemac 7.0 but I am not sure if the problems are fully resolved (perhaps the developers can weigh in here).
So the best way to run the model in spherical coordinates is to use the Mercator for Telemac projection (setting SPATIAL PROJECTION SYSTEM to 2 (Mercator projection) and GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM to 5 (Mercator for Telemac)). The origin point coordinates should be somewhere in the middle of your domain.
If you already have a nice mesh made in WGS84 UTM 33N, you don't need to start from scratch. If you're handy with Matlab, you can load the selafin file in Matlab using the Telemac Tools (, re-project the grid points, and then save the selafin file again.
Then you can turn on the tide generating force. However, there is an error in the formulation of the tide generating force that will only be corrected in the next version of Telemac v7p0r1, which hasn't been released yet. Essentially, you need to add a minus sign to the x component of the tide generating force. You can do this in the file marast.f, the line
00191 FXL = F0L * COS(DL) * SIN(AHL) *
should be replaced by
00191 FXL = -1.D0 * F0L * COS(DL) * SIN(AHL) *
and line
00195 FXS = F0S * COS(DS) * SIN(AHS) *
should be replaced by
00195 FXS = -1.D0 * F0S * COS(DS) * SIN(AHS) *