to promote as a user the maybe in the community a little bit myterious Python scripts I suggest to use the very handy Python scripts which are included in the Telemac installation. runSELAFIN.py does some cool things and has a class named chopSELAFIN which does exactly this job.
If the operating system is Windows you will find probably the Python scripts in C:\.....\v7pr0\scripts\python27\
So one has to run the runSELAFIN.py in a command prompt by providing additonal flags: e.g.
python runselafin.py chop -f 50 -s 100 -d 10 Inputfile.slf Outputfile.slf
Meaning of the flags:
-f: --from
-s: --stop
-d: --step
You could create a batch file as the one enclosed. Rename the extension to .bat.
However, you need Python 2.7.x, Numpy and Matplotlib.
Hope this helps,