Hello prof,
ZF1 and ZF2 appeared in the loop of "loop over global list of edges" of "Hyd_hllc" and ZF1=ZF(NUBO1) and ZF2=ZF(NUBO2). in my opinion, the NUBO1 and NUBO2 are the edge extremities. So that means we give the bathymetris values to all the frontier nodes, am I right, prof??
So I'm a litte confused why we only give the bathymetris values to the frontier nodes, while the objectiv of hyd_hllc is to compute all the fluxes for INTERNAL INTERFACES.
For cdl_hllc: I added ZF in this subroutine parametres, I defined ZF1, ZF2, and in the loop of "loop over boundary noeds" I did something to copy the ZF to my ZF1 and ZF2 in "slipping condition" and in "weak imposition". I add the modified file below (light parts)
Thank you for your guiding prof