Hello all,
I am currently working on the coupling between TELEMAC 2D and MASCARET with the OpenPALM code coupler. I have decomposed TELEMAC and MASCARET in 3 subroutines each one dedicated to : initialisation, run, finalisation. After the initialisation step the algorithm is based on a loop where TELEMAC and MASCARET are launched several times with the same initial condition but with different boundary conditions until the ending condition of the algorithm is reached.
The TELEMAC run step corresponds to the time loop of the telemac2d.f subroutine. My question is : what are the TELEMAC variables that I need to save at the beginning of the TELEMAC run step so that I can restart from this initial state later ? I guess those variables are U, V, H, T, AK and EP, do you confirm ?
I hope I am clear enough.