Hi all
I am working with telemac2D in v6p2 for the Windows System
I built a mesh and boundary conditions with BK like be described in my post previous
I try to simulate tide in Buenaventura bay (Colombia), using the same database describing the forum
the model runs with database the JMJ and TPXO, but according other forum
not is advisable the database JMJ,
"because the database same is helpful for the Channel between France and England and Atlantic around France, should rather choose the TPXO model".
after runs the model with TPXO database, using the files PACIFIC Ocean 1/12º (the domain is in the pacific ocean), but the results not is favorable.
How should I continue if I want use my own files the tide the buenaventura bay instead of using TPXO database?
what structure should have the file for be read for telelmac-2D?
thank you