For the purpose of some developments I would like to use some MPI routines, or their TELEMAC equivalent such as P_SYNC, in some TELEMAC routines. The problem is that if I use MPI routines in some TELEMAC routines then I get errors. For example, I would like to use the MPI_BARRIER routine (or its TELEMAC equivalent P_SYNC) in read_fic_frliq.f but when I do so the run doesn't crash, it doesn't stop but it never gets to the end, it just freezes. It's the same if I use MPI_BCAST with a simple table such as A=(/1,2/). However if I want to use MPI routines in telemac2d.f there is, in this case, no problem.
My question is : is this a known issue ? Is there a limitation in TELEMAC for the use of MPI routines ? Is there a way to circumvent this problem ?
I use TELEMAC v6p3.