I am trying to simulate sediment transport for an estuary flood by waves coming from the ocean, coupling T2D with GAIA. This is a simplified scenario for a tsunami inundation.
For this case, set an open boundary with H and UV prescribed to the ocean from which the waves are coming. All other boundaries are considered walls.
I run simulations only with suspended load, bedload, and both together. The first case has reasonable results with max evolution of 0.6 m. However, the other two show too much erosion and/or deposition. Only bedload transport is around 7.4 m of deposition but when both are together erosion went up to -24e+007 M, which doesn't make sense. This mainly happened when activating bedload transport. Is there any way to limit the bedload transport?
I read some threads on this forum and the problem might be related to high shear stress in shallow waters. I followed some recommendations like turning off skin friction but got even more deposition.
So I'd like to know if anyone could give me some insight into what I might have been doing wrong or if these results are correct and I'm not interpreting them right. I'm pretty new to the field of simulation morphodynamics, I'm still struggling with the interpretations.
Find attached the files to run the simulations.
Thanks in advance.