Here are more accurate answers to your questions:
-if I create a tide under telemac, and I run it for two tides (about 24 hours), does sisyphe repeat this tide during all the time of simulation? or have to run the two simulation for the same time? => this is is explained in the user manual : p 7 and 8. When the flow is steady (‘steady case’ = yes), only the last record will be used. Otherwise (‘steady case’ = NO),the ‘Tide Period’ and ‘Number of tides or floods’ will be used to specify the sequence to be read on the hydrodynamic files. Hydrodynamic records are interpolated at each time step of the sedimentological computation.
Note: an error may occur when the ‘Tidal Period’ is not a multiple of the graphical time steps of the hydrodynamic file (‘Hydrodynamic file is not long enough’).
In an unsteady case, the keyword ‘Starting time of the hydrogram' gives the first time step to be read. If the starting time is not specified, the last period of the hydrogram will be used for sedimentological computation.
So in your test case you should use:
steady case’ = NO
Tide Period =
Number of tides= 2
the tide will be repeated twice ...
-isn't it better to do the chaining with Tomawac under sisyphe intead of telemac2d? (for the sediment transport)=> Source terms for coupling are between Tomawac and Telemac. If you want to calculate the effect of combined waves and currents you have to specify the wave parameters in either the hydrodynamic file or the wave file. There is a whole chapter on this Topic in the user manual for Sisyphe.
The ‘HYDRODYNAMIC FILE’ can contain all the wave parameters (which is recommended for the non-steady case). The waves can also be specified from an independent wave field. The ‘wave file’ gives the name of a previous wave (TOMAWAC) results file. Only the last record will be read.
Use keyword: ‘WAVE FILE’, ‘WAVE EFFECTS’...