In coupled mode the logical units of files are changed, so it may happen that the telemac-2d results file has number 7. However there is somewhere something that writes on this file with a format (this is not normal but this was never reported so the reason probably lies in your specific case). It could be :
1) A hardcoded writing with explicit logical unit 7 given somewhere. If you do not have specific Fortran this is probably not the reason.
2) Some mismatch in the declaration of your files in the steering file.
To have more information on where the problem occurs, you could ask for some debug:
add: DEBUGGER = 1
in your steering files, and you will have a list of calls in both Telemac-2D and Sisyphe, that will tell us where this happens.
For your information, note that the logical unit of telemac-2d results file is in T2D_FILES(T2DRES)%LU, T2DRES being an integer which is the logical unit when there is no coupling, 8 if I remember well (it can be checked e.g. in the dictionary, in the string SUBMIT corresponding to the file).
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet