I have changed the simulation by giving tide input at the open boundaries using a liquid file. Now the tide at open boundaries is not given from the formatted file. In this condition the simulation works properly when coupled with SISYPHE.
In order to check as where the problem may possible be, I included the following statement in the BORD subroutine
inquire (26,opened=lopened)
if(lopened) then
write(*,*) " Unit ",26," is open!"
write(*,*) " Unit ",26," is not open!"
end if
S_NLIG = 0
The outcome of the inquire command is that "Unit 26 is not open "
and program crashes once it tries to read the line from file unit number 26,
on the read statement
On using the inquire statement to get the file name i.e inquire (26,NAME=name), gives the file name as a binary output. Same problem is found even when I use FORMATTED DATA FILE 2, for imposing my tidal data.
Does this indicates that when TELEMAC is coupled with SISYPHE, the unit no. 26 file is allotted to some other file. Is there any solution for this problem.
I have attached the complete simulation file.