hello andrea,
In your case there are mainly 2 consequences of the change of bathymetry, the waves celerity and the depth breaking.
Since you are treating a static case and watch the result at the end of convergence you can't see that one case arrived before the converged state but if you look at some time when it is not yet converged you will see it.
As for breaking, firstly you have to set
otherwise you do not calculate depth breaking. And you also have to give BC to have breaking for example a wave height of 3 m.
Following are some advice i would give you seeing your steering file.
As for your frequency discretisation, if you look at the documentation you will see that Fn = F0* r**n so if you choose r=2 and n=70 you will have frequencies until 5.e20, usually it is better to have r=1.1 and n=30 that is less calculation for the same result.
Concerning the number of time steps, check how long it takes to converge: you chose 1000 time steps when 200 were sufficient.
You can also check if a coarser mesh would give same result, because i think yours might be too fine and then cost too much.
I join an example of modifications on your steering file.
Hope it helps