I try to install the latest version (v6p1) on windows XP that Idoawnloaded yesterday. I want install the WING95S. I have copy and unzip the files on my machine. I was quite familiar with Telemac installation up to version v5p9.
With this WING95S, I try to follow the instructions contained in the installation notes (that I dowloaded yesterday). Most of the things look the same like in the old time. But the are somme folder 'missing': Install, Perl (I was able to copy an old one). My real problem is there is no systel.ini file. But in the 'Config' folder there is the file systel.cis-windows.cfg.
The contain of this file look close to that of systel.ini, but the name of keyword are not the same. So it is quite difficult to figure out what to to. Is there an up-to-date installation note to go with the latest v6p1.
I am waiting for your help. I want to test the new T3T3D on my laptop, and probably go for the cluster version on our cluster.
Georges W.T.