Hello mtayel,
A couple of things ...
1.- A UNC path describes the location of a volume, directory, or file. The format for a UNC path is not case‐sensitive and is in the form \\server\volume\directory\file.
2.- It causes problems on MS Windows operating systems sometimes as Windows drive letter mappings are arbitrary, whereas a UNC path is specific and applies to all operating systems. It should be noted that the UNC method started with the UNIX operating system. UNIX uses the forward‐slash character as a path separator. Many network services (ex. FTP) have their origins in the UNIX operating system, so they use forward‐slashes instead of the backslashes that DOS/Windows uses. It is important to recognize this distinction when using these services.
3.- If you look in the runtel.pl file you will find the line:
which in means that if you have not declared TM_UNCPATH as an environmental variable, it will remain empty.
In the same script you will find that if the -uncpath option is used but that TM_UNCPATH is not defined, it will return an error.
4.- I do not think the PATH is repeated but rather that you can provide the script with a share drive location on your network (double-slashed...) defined by in a UNC convention which will be added to your standard directory structure.
5.- Instead of using the -uncpath option and the environmental variable TM_UNCPATH, I would rather recommend at this stage a small modification to you script runtel.pl as follows (changes highlighted). We will discuss the issue between developper and update the final solution chosen in version v6p2.
use Time::Local;
###> SEB @ HRW: Correction for UNC PATH
use Win32::NetResource;
###< SEB @ HRW
#jaj orig:
#$Directory_tmp=join "",$REPLANCE,$ps,$REP,$ps;
$Directory_tmp =join "",$REP,$ps;
$Directory_tmp =join "",$REP,$ps;
###> SEB @ HRW: Correction for UNC PATH
Win32::NetResource::GetUNCName( $TM_UNCPATH, $Directory_tmp );
if( $TM_UNCPATH ne "" ) {
$Directory_tmp=join "", $TM_UNCPATH;
###< SEB @ HRW
$filename=join "", $Directory_tmp,"PARAL";
$NCAR = length ($Directory_tmp);
open (F, ">$filename") or die "## Error : Open the $filename file is impossible\n";
printf F "$NCSIZE\n";
#- Traitement de l'option UNCPATH dans le fichier PARALL
#jaj orig
#$Directory_tmp=join "",$REPLANCE,$ps,$REP,$ps;
#$Directory_tmp=join "",$REP,$ps;
#if ( ($UNCPATH eq "oui") && ($TM_UNCPATH ne "") )
# { $Directory_tmp =~s/^[A-Za-z]:/$TM_UNCPATH/; }
#$NCAR = length ($Directory_tmp);
printf F "$NCAR\n";
printf F "$Directory_tmp\n";
You can otherwise try the installation based on Python scripts. Check under Documentations / installations.
Hope this helps,