Hello Agnès,
Thank you for your reply.
I have tried both PSI and characteristics on the velocities.
When the turbulence model is disconnected from the momentum equation (VISCI = 0 in subroutine viscke), the PSI gives much better results than the characteristics as the results are not mesh dependant (see the enclosed figure (up) charact ; down) PSI)). However, when I reconnect the k-epsilon model to the momentum equation, the results are stil mesh dependent. I foresee that something is wrong with my implementation of the turbulence model...
As regards the vertical mesh, I use 30 planes. The first plane is thus located 2m above the seabed (the water depth is 60 m). Therefore yu_*/nu is much greater than 30.
However, unless I am wrong, when using a Strickler friction formulation, ustar (which is used as input of the wall function for k) is calculated from the mean velocity (and not from the velocity at the 2nd plane using the Reichard law). It is thus not necessary to use a fine mesh (yu_*/nu = 30) to have a proper estimate of ustar (and thus a proper estimate of k at the 1st plane). Could you confirm if it is right?
Thank you.
Best regards