#REFDATE in files (e.g. LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE, SOURCES FILE or ASCII ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE) is a date from which a shift is done with time of computation.
If you have a file starting on January 1st 2000 at 00:00 and you want to start the computation e.g. on February 1st 2000, you have to change initial time of your computation.
I can suggest you one way: to change AT in CONDIM subroutine (by default, time starts at 0 s or at a time from the previous computation file):
to e.g.
IF(.NOT.SUIT2) AT = 14342400.D0 ! TIME IN SECONDS FROM 01/01/2020 = 31+29+31+30+31+14 = 166 days
and add this subroutine in your Fortran file.
The 2 keywords ORIGINAL DATE OF TIME and ORIGINAL HOUR OF TIME are not dedicated to define the initial time of the simulation but a reference for a few features (tidal boundary conditions, tide generator force, heat exchange with atmosphere, one way coupling with DELWAQ) and are added to current time of the computation to use them.
Hope this helps,