Hi Jason,
Not sure I understand exactly where you're trying to go!
The latest BK now allows you to extract the distribution of all cell volumes for the current frame from a 3D mesh.
Why do you need the individual cell volumes? Not sure I know how to give you want you want... Do you want a new 3D scalar mesh with the cell volume as the scalar value? Or a simple table of element ID and volume values?
Originally, I thought you were trying to get an estimate of the overall cell volume for a mesh (i.e.
a quick way in Telemac or Blue Kenue that I could obtain cell sizes of the whole mesh) and I've given you a distribution so that you can look at mean cell volume, min cell volume, max cell volume, etc.
However, perhaps I didn't understand what you were asking for properly... a little more explanation and/or example might help me get to where you're trying to go...
Kindly... Alan